25 miles / 40 km Bakers Acres Campground - Cumberland State Park
Portaging and White Water
Do we like White Water? Answer Yes
Do we like portaging? Answer No.
Today was a combination of both but on completion the negative of the portaging outweighed the pleasure of the white water. The white water was not really good as the river was low and we yet again removed more outside skin from the bottom of the boat. The run thru Plattsburgh was fun. We got on the water at 7.45 and arrived at the NFCT Kiosk in Plattsburgh at 17.00 In total we loaded the boat and unloaded the boat 7 times. We followed the instructions at Cadyville-Kent Falls and did not cross the bridge but put in, paddled across the water 50 meters and took out. On taking out I noticed a guy standing on the bridge smoking a cigarette. The bridge seems strong enough to support him. I am sure we could have taken the canoe across. We did not really feel today that we were on a TRAIL. It just seemed to be a series of obstacles joined together with NFCT signs to show us where to go. At Imperial Mills Dam Carry we attached our throw line to the fence to use as a handrail to help s walk up and down or the more-or-less vertical take out. If the NFCT has some cash to spare, perhaps it could be used on improving this take out?
Put in at Bakers Acres |
Take out at Cadyville |
Closed bridge at Cadyville-Kent Falls |
6 miles continuous I / II |
6 miles continuous I / II - more like a scrap |
Power canal at Treadwell Mills Dam |
Mountain climbing at the Imperial Mills Dam carry
Imperial Mills Dam |
Plattsburgh |
Saranac river enters Lake Champlain |
The final few miles through Plattsburgh were enjoyable paddling down a series of ledges. They were hardly any eddies so we just kept concentrating to pick the best route. A trail note on the NFCT site had warned about a compulsory portage in the town but we did not see any notices and just whizzed through. The surfing wave under the bridge was no big deal and before we could blink Lake Champlain and the landing river R came into view.
After registering at the NFCT kiosk in Plattsburgh we planned to stay in a motel to speed getting up the next morning as early as possible. We landed on the beach by the Golden Gate Lodging (former glory) but the office was closed and had no contact information. One of the few residents of the motel pointed us to door 54 as being the owners accommodation but she or he was not there. They gave us a number to ring but no answer. The place is up for sale. It looks quite dilapidated and yet today with the sun and warm weather and waves gently lapping on the sandy beach it seemed to be an ideal location for a beach holiday. We got back in the canoe and paddled to Cumberland State Park and pitched the tent.
Evening quiet on Lake Champlain |
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